ID Option ProgramChildren conceived by donor insemination may want to learn more about their donors as a way of exploring more about themselves. Providing offspring with the option to contact their donor when they reach adulthood can be an important factor in realizing that goal. In response to requests from patients, we are pleased to offer the ID Option program on a select group of donors. The donors with this option are designated by an 'ID Option' under the donor number on the donor register. We offer other donor categories, CLI and CLI Value which are anonymous. Our anonymous donor program and our ID Option Donor program are distinct, separate programs and anonymous donors cannot become ID Option donors once they are active in the program. Features of the ID Option Donor program include: ID Option donors agree to allow CLI to share contact information with their offspring when the offspring reach the age of 18. Adult offspring will be the ONLY individual(s) with the authority to request contact information and to have access to the contact information. Contact information is defined as the ID Options Donor's full name, date of birth, last known telephone numbers and addresses. To protect patient confidentiality, donors can not access the names of offspring and their parents through CLI. For more information about our guidelines on who can be an ID Option donor, please see our Privacy Policy. Patients agree to sign a consent and return an ID Option Patient Agreement (see the link to the consent form below) at least one business day prior to any semen sample purchase and/or shipment. Once an offspring conceived by an ID Option Donor is born, parents can choose whether or not to register their child. Some parents wish to wait to register their child until the family situation more clearly dictates if it is what they want. To see what is involved, see the Identity (ID) Option Birth Registration Form. As with our anonymous donors, ID Option Donors will have no legal relationship, rights or obligations to any offspring born using their donated semen. Parents, offspring and Donors understand that the ID Option program is not intended to create family relationships between the ID Option Donor and their offspring. Yet the opportunity to one day contact their donor offers an empowering choice that offspring can now make once they reach adulthood. Instructions and information for ordering ID Option Donor semen:
By downloading this consent form I accept the conditions stated above. Our goal is to provide the highest quality donor semen with the exceptional customer service you expect from us. We look forward to being of service to you. |